Friday, December 23, 2011

The warm weather melted my snowmen!!!

OMGHHKP IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE EVE!!! I can't wait much longer but I am loving this Christmas season!!!

Today I have two really cute recipes for you guys, each pretty easy and perfect for any Christmas parties! One is a melted snowman cookie, and the other is a chocolate pretzel bite :) There are LOTS of pictures for you to follow along!

~Pretzel Bites~

The first recipe I got from Macbarbie07 on youtube, and she is one of my favorites! It is really quick and easy so its great if you are running late on a Christmas snack.
Step 1: Buy a bag of pretzels, Christmas colored M&M's, and any type of Hershey Kisses you want! I just bought the regular but you can get the candy cane type if you want.

Step 2: Preheat the oven to 170F while you spray a sheet pan with cooking spray. Then lay out as many pretzels as you can put on your pan :) I think I put around 45ish!
Step 3: Unwrap the Hershey Kisses and put one on top of each pretzel :)
I think one of the factory workers had a little snack.....bahahahaha :)
Step 4: Put the snacks in the oven for 5-6 minutes until the chocolate just starts to melt. Then once you take them out, work fast and put an M&M on top of each one :) Then put them in the fridge until the chocolate hardens and you are finished!!!
~Melted Snowmen Cookies~

These cookies are my favorite ones I think I have ever made! I found them on Pinterest and I love them!!! Here is the link to the original recipe:

Step 1: Buy Pillsbury Ready-To-Bake sugar cookies (or make your own!), One tub of Betty Crocker white icing (I bought two but we had more than enough with one), Jett-Puffed marshmallows, and a few different kinds of food coloring! You definitely need black but then you can use whatever colors you want :)
Step 2: Follow the cooking directions and preheat the oven to 350F. Then lay out the cookies and bake for 11-13 minutes :)
Well.....I kinda failed on the baking part. The 12 in the front are the survivors, the 12 in the back died in the battle for Christmas-y goodness. Bahaha :)
Step 3: Lay the cookies out on the foil to cool. Then take a plate and lay out the marshmallows. Heat them for 30 seconds or less until they get a little puffy :)
Step 4: Ice the cookies, and try to make them look messy :) Then lube your fingers with cooking spray and place the marshmallows on the cookies near the sides. These will become the faces for the melted snowmen!
Step 5: Start decorating! The black you can use for arms and the faces. I didn't put smiles on all of them, some I used O shaped mouths :) Also, some that I made the O shape mouths, I made the eyebrows looking angry :) I mean, if I was melting I would be angry too!
Here is a picture of me being all meticulous in my piping :)
Here is my favorite one!!! :)
Step 6: Decorate all the cookies and add all the different expressions and accessories that you want! Then add them to a cute Christmas plate and you are finished!
That is the end of all the recipies!!! Aren't they adorable?!?! I hope you try these out for yourself and you have a very merry Christmas!!! :)

Love and snowmen,
Em :)

PS. This is not a very clean project... :)

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