Monday, April 25, 2011

He is not here...He is ALIVE!!!

Happy Easter everybody!!! Today is most definatly the day that the Lord has made!!! Even though today is a day we useto dress up all perty, eat jelly beans like there's no tommorow, and take lots of pictures...we need to also remember that this is the day when our Lord rose from the grave!!!

Today I had so much fun!!! I love spending time with my friends at church and my family!! Here are some pics from the day :)

Here's my family!!! :)
Dana Woo and Daddy :)
Me and my Madre :)

I wove my daddy :)

Here are my Sunday School girls!!! :)

I <3 my cousins, Kala and Lauren!!!

A cute one of me and mom!!! :)

I <3 my girl, Abby!!! Best Friends For Life :)

I <3 me some Whitney!!! :)

and...I <3 me some Kaylee Kay!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! I hope all of you had a wonderful Easter and I will blog ya later!!!
Love, Em :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm a Harry Potter Nerd Dork :)

Hey everyone!!! If you know me at all, or have been keeping up with the "What I'm Reading" on the sidebar, you can see that I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan :) I saw the first movie probably in 2nd or 3rd grade and i've been hooked ever since!!! I am currently reading the series now so I can keep satisfied until part 2 of the 7th movie comes out on July 15th! :)  

Today I saw the 6th movie for the first time, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!!! I have to say, I wasn't expecting to bawl in that movie but when Dumbledore died, I certainly did!!! That movie was an incredible blend of drama, humor, sadness, suspense...pretty much everything!!! One funny line from the movie is this: (I got it off of

[Romilda Vane and Harry are staring at each other across the library]
Hermione Granger: [snaps her fingers] Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.
Harry Potter: But I am the Chosen One.
[Hermione smacks him on the head with the newspaper]
Harry Potter: Sorry... kidding!

 I felt bad because me and my friend Kaylee were watching the movie at her house (it's FCAT week at my school so we are off most of the days) and we were both just crying away together at this movie!!! :)

I just wanted to share my little Harry Potter nerd dork moment with yall :) Thanks and congratulations if you didn't get to bored and made it to the end :) Talk to you soon!!!

Em :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Kiss me goodbye..I'm defying gravity, and you won't bring me down!!! :)

Hey blog stalkers :) So anyone that knows me can tell you that I am a HUGE musical buff!!!! If you have an extra ticket to a musical, heck YES I'm coming along :) Though I have seen a few Broadway musicals, such as The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, my favorite by far has always been Wicked!!! I first saw this INCREDIBLE musical when I was 12 at a theater about an hour from where I live and from the first song, I was hooked! The musical tells the back story of the Wizard of Oz and what really happened before Dorthy dropped in!!! Glinda and Elphaba (The wicked witch) are best friends, the wizard is really evil, and you find out who all the other major characters all used to be :) This musical will change your whole perspective on the movie and you will never watch it the same way again!!!

A couple of weeks ago, a few days before we left for NYC, my Dad told me that after school he was taking me on a special date and I needed to wear a dress, but he would tell me nothing more. I was VERY suspicious but he wouldn't budge an inch...the date location would remain a secret. So the whole day at school I was racking my brain, trying to think of places my dad would take me. I thought about going to go see Wicked, but I thought it would be to pricey.

So I got home and got all dressed up and off we went! I feel bad for dad because I kept asking where we were going over, and over, and over........and over again :) I never knew my dad was THAT good at keeping secrets :) Anyway, after driving for an hour or two, we ate dinner and went driving again. He told me were were getting close but he STILL wouldn't tell me where he was taking me!!! Once we got there, I couldn't tell exactly where we were. My dad drove up to a lady in the parking lot and asked where the parking for Wicked was. At that point, I had to bite my lip so I didn't scream and make the lady pee on herself :) As soon as we drove away, I started screaming and jumping up and down (well, as best as you can jump in a car!) and gave dad a HUGE hug :) We took some pics outside of the building:

Once I got in, I got to get an ADORABLE tee shirt with Elphaba on it and i <3 it so much!!! :) Once it got started though...I can't even explain how incredibly into it I got!!! I don't know why, but Wicked is one of those things, like Harry Potter, that if you start me talking about it, I will be going on about it for hours!!! I am a complete freak about it!!! I have 3 shirts, a signed playbill, earrings, AND a book filled with behind the scenes secrets about the story :) I would SO encourage you to look up songs from Wicked on YouTube because it is the best story I have ever heard...EVER!!!! :) Thank you guys for letting my ramble on and on about this...can you tell I'm in love??? :) I hope you enjoyed this post and I will talk to y'all later ;)
Lots of love,
Em <3

Sunday, April 3, 2011

NYC!!! :)

Oh my gosh i'm back!!! I had the most amazing, fun, impacting week of my life!!! God is definatly moving in New York City and I hope I get to go back really soon!!! Those people in NYC are just thirsty for love and the people like us and the people in the Gallery Church are just the people to give it to them. I pray for the church and the small impact we had on them. I know this was a short post BUT I know some people who can probably say what happened better that I can ;) If you want to know more about our trip, check out my youth pastor's blog at :) He has updates from every day of the trip! Also, check out my friend and fellow NYC travel buddy Whitney's blog at :) She also has updates from every day of the trip!!! I hope you enjoyed this post and had a fantastic and safe spring break ;) I will blog more very soon!!!

Lots of love,
Em <3